We offer the following links to non-Bridgework resources as a courtesy to visitors of our website. Please note that Bridgework Mentoring is not affiliated with the organizations listed on this page. If you select a link on this page, it will open in a new window and you will be taken to another website. Bridgework Mentoring is not responsible for the content, advertisements or links on those outside websites. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for more information.
- DivorceCare
- PeaceMakers
- Crown Financial Ministries
- Before You Divorce: http://www.beforeyoudivorce.org/
- Divorce for Kids
- Gamblers Anonymous
- Grief Share
- I’m a Witness
- Troubled With Issues
- Sexual Addiction / Personal Relations Inc.
- Christian based Sexual addiction: http://route1520.com/
- Drug and Alcohol Addiction: www.TheRecoveryPlace.net
- Counseling Services: www.wellspringchristian.com
- Executive Alcohol rehab